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Tuesday 15 December 2009


Today I met another student who is here in London for around 3 months. He already spent almost £6,500 (Converted from his home currency) just for study purpose. But still he has not got any single job. At the moment he is desperately looking for job. But a desirable job is like tiger's milk in the recession affected economy of UK.

Sunday 13 December 2009

Beware of Low Quality Educational Institute

Dear Student!
Please take enough information about your chosen institute before you apply for offer letter or apply for student visa. Though UK Border Agency is trying hard and soul to identify the fake or low quality institute and stop them from doing fraud, still they exist. They are called Visa College in UK as they only work as a visa letter issuer for money. Providing good quality education is not their aim at all.

Unfortunately enough, in last 2/3 months at least 40,000 to 60,000 students have entered in UK for study. But most of them are not satisfied with the campus, study quality, facilities. And, due to the Home Office new rules and regulations no one can change his institute unless there is any valid reason. Moreover, students are coming after paying at least more than thousand pound. So it is really financially difficult for student as well to leave the current institute and get enrolled in a new institute by paying almost a same amount of money.

Under the new Home Office circulation, all the institute must be registered under Tier 4. So I am providing a link where you can find whether the institute is registered under Tier 4 or not.

Register of Sponsors:

Saturday 12 December 2009


Dear Students!
Some more important update is on its way. Just visit on a regular basis to have the latest study information.

Job Restriction

It is the UK Home Office (Border Agency or Immigration Office) rule that international students can not do any job for more than 20 hours per week, during the term time. In this regard Home Office is getting more strict than ever as they are issuing smart card (like Debit card)which contains biometrics information for all international students. This card can be used to trace the bank account transactions, travel information, class attendance, college tuition fees.
For this reason, there is no way a student can have any study break during the stay in UK. Though student can work full time during the holiday, due to the recession there is no guarantee that every one can ensure to work for the maximum allowable hours.

Just to mention, one of my friend got job in a sports shop. Unfortunately, he only gets 4 hours to work per week. At the moment the National Minimum Wage is £5.80. So per week his earning is £23.20 which can hardly cover his travel expense. This is just a single story out of thousands in UK nowadays.

So I will request all the beloved students to think again do you really want to come to UK? Will you be able to afford the living expense?

Please do not get me wrong in this stage. I am not trying to discourage students to come rather I am trying to ensure that they enjoy their student life in UK. Me myself have gone through this phases. That is why I thought that it would be a good idea to share my experience as a consolation for the newcomers and creating awareness for the future prospective students.

Financial Struggle: Look before you leap

There are some matters every student should think before they apply for UK visa. This is due to the recent recession in not only in UK, but almost all over the world.

Most students have to struggle for financial support. As living standard in UK is quite expensive every one should think if they can afford for at least 6 months living expense. On average, it cost about £450 per month including accommodation, travel expense, food, light entertainment and utility bills. So at least £2700 (£450*6=£2700) should be brought as cash. The simple reason behind this is just to ensure that a student can at least survive before getting any job. Otherwise, like most students, you have to look for job even before you look for you education institute.

Welcome Every One

Dear Visitor!
Warm welcome to my brand new site. This site is dedicated to all those foreign students who want to achieve higher education in UK. I will try my best to update regularly just to help you fellow students.

I made this just to share my experience of struggling here in London as I am currently in London.
So do keep visiting on a regular basis just in case it may help you.

If a single person is helped through my effort I will consider that a blessing for me.

Best Regards
Imran Yusuf